Facilities Service Request
For all routine maintenance, repair and cleaning services
If you are reporting an EMERGENCY situation (flood, safety risk, etc.) please call the Facilities Management service number (860) 439-2253 during work hours or Campus Safety (860) 439-2222 at all other times.
- Be sure to click SAVE at the bottom of the form in order to submit your request
- Do not submit multiple requests for the same problem
- To check the status of an existing Request or Work Order select the STATUS tab on the Work Request Form
- Full instructions: on How to Submit a Facilities Service Request (PDF)
Work Order Priority Response Schedule
- EMERGENCY (life safety events including power outages, gas leaks, chemical spills, etc.): 24 hours
- URGENT (situation warrants expedited response to mitigate a worsening situation): 72 hours
- ROUTINE (maintenance or service request that poses no immediate safety threat): 30 days