- 8:30 AM1hBreakfast with Transfer Student AdvisersTransfer | Harris Dining
Join your TAs for breakfast together in Harris. Your TAs will let you know where to meet-up by group text. - 9:00 AM1hConnections CurriculumTransfer | Fanning 306
Dean Schenk will discuss the Connections Curriculum and answer questions about your next steps to move along through fulfilling your requirements. - 10:00 AM1hIndividual Meetings with Dean FriedmanTransfer | Dean Friedman’s Office, Fanning Hall 206
Dean Libby Freidman will be your staff adviser this year. She will send you a meeting time on Thursday (between 10-11am) or Friday (between 1-4pm) to get to know you and talk about your fall schedule and how you will be fulfilling your Connections experience. - 11:00 AM2hLunchTransfer | Harris Dining
Lunch is available during this time at Harris Refectory. You can check out the full daily dining schedule on Camelweb! - 1:00 PM50mConnecting at College: Having Fun at Conn, Making Friends and Your First Year VisionsTransfer | Evans Hall, Cummings Arts Center
Ready to get involved on campus? Hoping to meet new friends? Learn about all there is to do on campus from clubs (including club sports), social events and leadership opportunities. Attendance: Required. - 2:00 PM50mMaking the Honor Code WorkTransfer | Palmer Auditorium
Learn how the Honor Code works at Conn and the expectations of being a Camel. You’ll get to meet Dean Sarah Cardwell, Senior Associate Dean of Student Life, and members of the Honor Council. Attendance: Required.
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