- Gaming Club Weekly Meeting!Gaming Club Weekly Meeting! Our regular meetings to have fun and play games for a few hours, all are welcome to come and enjoy a variety of (mostly) tabletop games provided by our club collection. From to at New London Hall - 101.
- Ultimate Frisbee PracticeUltimate Frisbee Practice We will meet on Chapel green for ultimate frisbee practice as a team from 4:00-6:00 pm From to at Chapel Green.
- Gaming Club Weekly Meeting!Gaming Club Weekly Meeting! Our regular meetings to have fun and play games for a few hours, all are welcome to come and enjoy a variety of (mostly) tabletop games provided by our club collection. From to at New London Hall - 101.
- Ultimate Frisbee PracticeUltimate Frisbee Practice We will meet on Chapel green for ultimate frisbee practice as a team from 4:00-6:00 pm From to at Chapel Green.
- Sustainable Living Open Forum - Sustainability HourSustainable Living Open Forum - Sustainability Hour Join us on Thursday, March 27th 5-6pm to learn about the sustainability housing transition from Earth House to Lazrus House happening next Fall. What do YOU want the future of sustainable living on campus to look like? Stop by to share ideas and hear about the Office of Sustainability's role in this transition. Snacks and free thrifting available via The Dressing Room! From to at Lazrus House.
- March Mocktail MadnessMarch Mocktail Madness Collaboration with Office of Wellbeing and student support specialists. There will be homemade mock-tails made in house. We will be discussing the importance of of finding alternate fun drink options for those under 21. This event is open to all students regardless of house. From to at Hood Dining.
- Entrepreneurship ClubEntrepreneurship Club Regular meetings From to at Blaustein 203.
- Lazrus Kitchen Deep Cleaning DayLazrus Kitchen Deep Cleaning Day Join us for a thorough clean-up session at Lazrus Kitchen. From to at Lazrus Kitchen.
- Jumma PrayerJumma Prayer Every Friday, Jumma congregational prayer is organized by Muslim students Association. The prayers are held weekly in the Muslim Prayer room at Knowlton House. From to at Muslim Prayer Room Knowlton First Floor, Knowlton House.
- Bizzare Beasts: Animal & GreetBizzare Beasts: Animal & Greet Come meet and learn about a variety of exotic (rescued) animals! Most animals can be pet, and pictures and additional information are available for all. An expert will be on site to answer any questions. Animal List: Eurasian Eagle Owl, Red Kangaroo, Screaming Hairy Armadillo, Bearded Dragon, Snake, Small Alligator, Fennec Fox, Chinchilla, Kinkajou, Hedgehog. From to at Harris Atrium.
- Mend-It MadnessMend-It Madness You will have the opportunity to come learn how to visibly mend their clothes with the wonderful Sashiko Method! This will be a collaboration with the Sustainability office. From to at Lambdin Game Room.
- Women's and Nonbinary Rugby PracticeWomen's and Nonbinary Rugby Practice Women's and Nonbinary Team Rugby Practice. No experience needed and open to all! From to at Tempel Green.
- Indulge in Sweet Self Care!Indulge in Sweet Self Care! Residents can come and decorate their own chocolate boxes, and fill them with all sorts of chocolate treats! From to at Freeman House Seminar .
- Gaming Club Weekly Meeting!Gaming Club Weekly Meeting! Our regular meetings to have fun and play games for a few hours, all are welcome to come and enjoy a variety of (mostly) tabletop games provided by our club collection. From to at New London Hall - 101.
- EurydiceEurydice Our mainstage play for the semester! From to at Gallows Blackbox.
- EISTEM Arboretum WalkEISTEM Arboretum Walk Members of Equity in STEM will meet at the entrance of the Arboretum and walk through the Arboretum together as a social event. From to at Connecticut College Arboretum.
- EurydiceEurydice Our mainstage play for the semester! From to at Gallows Blackbox.
- Swap and ShopSwap and Shop Have any clothes, accessories, books, dishes, unopened/barely used toiletries or other dorm items that you're not using anymore? Don't throw it out!! Bring it Swap and Shop so someone else can use it, and look around for some things you may want. Please only bring items that are in good condition!! Yay free stuff!! From to at Freeman Classroom.
- CC Squid Game ShowdownCC Squid Game Showdown Join us for an exciting "Squid Game" event at Connecticut College! Experience a series of fun and interactive games inspired by the hit Netflix series, where participants will compete in a friendly atmosphere for a prize. Get ready for an unforgettable evening filled with laughter, teamwork, and a bit of friendly competition! Are you up for the challenge and be the best player of all? From to at Cro 1941 room.
- Chess Club Weekly MeetingChess Club Weekly Meeting Chess Club Weekly Meeting; Shain Basement, 2:30-4pm on Sundays From to at Shain Library Basement.
- Model UN Weekly MeetingModel UN Weekly Meeting We will be discussing current events and preparing for our upcoming conference. From to at Connecticut College.
- Dromedary Team MeetingDromedary Team Meeting We will work on direct and cross examinations, practice statements, work with witnesses, and prepare for competition. From to at Main Street East.
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