- Apr 34:00 PMUltimate Frisbee PracticeWe will meet on Chapel green for ultimate frisbee practice as a team from 4:00-6:00 pmHosted by: Women's and Non-Binary Disc ClubAdditional Information can be found at: https://connquest.conncoll.edu/event/11143237 (https://connquest.conncoll.edu/event/11143237)
- Apr 34:15 PMCCSRE Info SessionCome and learn about the CCSRE Certificate Program!
- Apr 34:15 PMLanger Scholars Induction CeremonyContinuing a tradition that dates back to 1928, 13 Connecticut College seniors will be honored for academic excellence in the classroom. Langer Scholars (formerly known as Winthrop Scholars) are the first members of their class selected for membership in Phi Beta Kappa, the national honor society of undergraduate higher education. The designation is based on grade point average— Langer Scholars represent the top 3% of their class based on their GPAs.
- Apr 37:00 PMConnecticut College Women's Water Polo vs Wheaton College (Mass.)Connecticut College Women's Water Polo vs Wheaton College (Mass.)Streaming Video: https://www.nsnsports.net/colleges/connecticut-college/ (https://www.nsnsports.net/colleges/connecticut-college/)
- Apr 37:00 PMEntrepreneurship ClubRegular meetingsHosted by: Entrepreneurship ClubAdditional Information can be found at: https://connquest.conncoll.edu/event/11003578 (https://connquest.conncoll.edu/event/11003578)
- Apr 37:00 PMSGA Assembly
- Apr 4All dayMural Design ContestMurial Design ContestCreate a mural for the Disability Cultural Center (DCC)!Contest winner receives a $75 shopping spree.Submit entries to sas@conncoll.eduSubmission deadline is April 15, 2025Good luck!Hosted by: Office of Student Accessibility ServicesAdditional Information can be found at: https://connquest.conncoll.edu/event/11124370 (https://connquest.conncoll.edu/event/11124370)
- Apr 412:00 PMCS SAB's Game Jam Kick-Off.The CS SAB's Game Jam is an event where participants have 60 hours for them, and their team, to make the best game they possibly can from start to finish. The kick-off will be the start of this 60 hours, where we will unveil the theme for the jam. As well as having snacks!
- Apr 41:00 PMWhere do we go from here? Part 2
- Apr 41:15 PMJumma PrayerEvery Friday, Jumma congregational prayer is organized by Muslim students Association. The prayers are held weekly in the Muslim Prayer room at Knowlton House. Hosted by: Muslim Student AssociationAdditional Information can be found at: https://connquest.conncoll.edu/event/10943124 (https://connquest.conncoll.edu/event/10943124)
- Apr 44:00 PMWomen's and Nonbinary Rugby PracticeWomen's and Nonbinary Team Rugby Practice. No experience needed and open to all! Hosted by: Women's/Nonbinary Rugby ClubAdditional Information can be found at: https://connquest.conncoll.edu/event/11140946 (https://connquest.conncoll.edu/event/11140946)
- Apr 44:30 PMJocelyn Bieler Senior Recital
- Apr 45:00 PMMock Trial End of Year Banquet
- Apr 45:30 PMPride Shabbat, 4/4/25Join Conn Coll Hillel and the LGBTQIA Center for Pride Shabbat on Friday, April 4th, in Zachs Hillel House. At 5:30pm, we'll engage in conversation around issues that impact our individual and intersecting identities and communities. At 6:30pm, we'll enjoy a delicious Shabbat dinner. All members of the campus community are welcome, but please RSVP here for Pride Shabbat (https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScrm0o5OC4d3yDSLVo6JbUdNpf_ldGu3GZps8EXxiVkjsDq7g/viewform?usp=pp_url) by 3pm on Wednesday, 4/2. Sponsored by Zachs Hillel House, Gender & Sexuality Programs, and Connecticut College Hillel.
- Apr 47:00 PMGaming Club Weekly Meeting!Our regular meetings to have fun and play games for a few hours, all are welcome to come and enjoy a variety of (mostly) tabletop games provided by our club collection.Hosted by: Connecticut College Gaming ClubAdditional Information can be found at: https://connquest.conncoll.edu/event/10868845 (https://connquest.conncoll.edu/event/10868845)
- Apr 47:30 PMSenior Capstone Concerts
- Apr 48:30 PMGame the Game with Freeman HouseNot going out this Saturday night? Going out, but looking for a fun activity to do before hitting the town? Join us for some games and snacks - bring some friends too! Hosted by: FreemanAdditional Information can be found at: https://connquest.conncoll.edu/event/11073981 (https://connquest.conncoll.edu/event/11073981)
- Apr 5All dayConnecticut College Sailing at University of Rhode IslandConnecticut College Sailing at University of Rhode Island
- Apr 5All dayConnecticut College Sailing vs Connecticut College (Women)Connecticut College Sailing vs Connecticut College (Women)
- Apr 5All dayConnecticut College Women's Rowing at Clark UniversityConnecticut College Women's Rowing at Clark University
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